So...first of all, an apology to my adoring husband. I couldn't resist updating the blog with a lovely, spring-like background (which might be interpreted as "girly"). There was a lot of sports talk on our blog, so I figure we need a little balance here. :) After a wonderful Christmas holiday, we got back into the swing of real life. We celebrated the marriage of our dear friends Skeegs and Lindsey this past weekend in Fort Worth. What an incredible couple! They truly love the Lord with all that they are and it was such a sweet time! I love weddings because they take me back to that beautiful December day when Michael took me as his bride. It warms my heart. It really has been the best 4 years and I'm so grateful that God blessed me with such a loving husband.
Baby Todd is now almost 14 weeks old! From what I've read, he/she is the size of a jumbo shrimp and weighs almost 1 ounce! We are now entering our 2nd trimester and I can't believe how quickly it's gone! This week, Baby Todd's eyes have moved from the outer-region of the head to the middle of the face and the ears are in place too! It's pretty amazing! Just another month or so before we'll know what Baby Todd is!
I've been feeling absolutely wonderful and I'm so thankful! We will soon be moving from our duplex to another rent house (which will give us more room), so we'll have to start packing soon. Seems like we move every year... :) Thanks for all of your prayers for us and Baby Todd! We appreciate them and are asking the Lord for wisdom to be loving parents that teach His child to love Christ!
PS - Due to popular demand, we'll be posting pix soon!