- Laughing out loud
- Rolling over
- Saying "Ooh, oh, hey, hi, and boo" (not in this order) :)
- Trying to sing with Momma and Daddy
- Standing up (with a little balance help from us)
Lucas is a happy baby and smiles all of the time! He loves to watch people and is very alert. He can hold his toys and now take his pacifier out of his mouth (and sometimes puts it back in). It's pretty funny when we're driving down the road and he takes it out and leaves it on his shoulder...he knows it's there and leans his head over to get it, but can't quite reach it. It makes him really mad.
So yesterday Lucas started coughing to which Momma responded, "Goodness gracious!" He loves hearing those words, so he spent the next 5 minutes fake coughing so that I would keep saying, "Goodness gracious, Little One." It was hysterical! The fake coughs are pretty pathetic and adorable.
One of Lucas' favorite things it to stand on the countertop in front of the mirror before bath time. Lucas just stands there and dances around. He's pretty impressed with himself. I'll have to get Michael to help me post a video of this on the blog.
Here are a few pix of our favorite little baby:

Lovin the blog Thanks Val!!
He's just precious! Hope we get to meet him soon!
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