Hello few faithful and patient followers! First things first...yes, I broke my New Year's Resolution to create one blog each month but let's be honest...who actually keeps New Year's Resolutions?
I love blogs. I enjoy reading them anyway. I don't know if it's a lifelong case of writer's block or the fact that everytime I sit down to compile something, I feel like what I have to say isn't that important. But then I realize that many of you are simply friends wanting to hear about life, see photos of our adorable (sorry, I'm a bit biased) son and share everyday moments.
One of the blogs I enjoy reading offered advice on creating a great blog. She said to write like you are talking to your sister. Well, both of my sisters are tons of fun so we talk about all sorts of things. I think I can totally do this...so here goes:
Our Lucas turned 2 at the end of July and we partied hard! Grandpa, Gigi and Aunt Steph came to see me as well as our very-pregnant-with-twins Aunt Chrissy. We had a Toy Story party at the park with several highlights: balloons, great friends, bubbles, rock-angels and (save the best for last) CUPCAKES!
Making Rock-Angels |
Lucas has really started talking and repeating most of what he hears. Recently, we were watching a Bible video about Moses and Lucas said, "Gog ket baby Mosek sate in baskek." Translation: God kept baby Moses safe in the basket. It warms my heart to hear Lucas learning about God and Jesus. He has such a sweet spirit and we are so thankful that the Lord would bless us with this precious gift!
Lucas has really started to sing a lot! Some of his favorite songs are If You're Happy and You Know It, Jesus Loves Me, ABCs, This Is the Day, Jesus Loves the Little Children and My God is SO Big. He also likes sports A LOT. He and his daddy have enjoyed great bonding over the return of college football, the Rangers and the Dallas Cowboys (although it's difficult to enjoy the Cowboys here lately). Whatever his daddy yells, he repeats: "Touchdown," "touchdown!" "Backwards," "backwards!" "Home Run," "home run!" Lucas loves his daddy and likes doing what daddy does. Golf is still #1 in Lucas' mind though. His Grammy and P-Daddy gave him a set of clubs for his birthday and he has gotten great use out of them already. Anything with the word "ball" in the name is a hit with my boy.
In my new hat Uncle Skeegs & Aunt Lindsey gave me. |
Lucas is starting to spell a little too. He can spell his name, "stop," and "exit." He likes the ABCs a lot and came name all the letters with their sounds and counts to 11. He loves to learn!
My favorite thing, however, are the sweet hugs and kisses Lucas shares. He is such a love. Oh, and I really love when he laughs real hard, scrunches his nose and covers his mouth with his hands. Too. Precious. My heart couldn't be more full.
Ok...so now some random things I would share with my sisters:
- Lucas and I went to a special reading time at the library this week which ends with a craft. At our table was a mom and her two kiddos (both with beautiful blond hair). The older child worked meticulously on their craft and I encouraged, "Great job!"and asked, "How old are you?" to which the child responds, "Four." I replied, "Wow! You're a big girl!" Mom chimes in, "No, he's a boy." Gulp...wow. He had some of the prettiest blond hair with ringlets I have ever seen. And, cut me some slack, it was down to his mid-back. After apologizing and complimenting her son's lovely hair, I justified myself on the ride home by thinking, "that hair WAS really long..."
- I guess I'm growing in wisdom because I found 4 white hairs on my head last night! I tweezed them out and thought, "Ugh! There's another!" After violently trying to pull the 5th one out, I realized it was actually one of the previously mentioned white hairs that had simply fallen from the tweezers back in my hair. Now not only do I have white hairs, but my eyes are getting bad...
Wow, after writing such a lengthy blog, I guess I can do this. Thanks for sticking with me! Until next time (very soon, I promise).