The day before we found out we had a young stud in the oven I polled all of my students to see what they predicted we would have. I made the game a little more relevant to them as I offered five bonus points on our next test to those that correctly predicted the sex. And wouldn't you know, they completely nailed it. 70 predicted boy and only 31 won't be receiving extra credit. I only got one complaint from one of the girl pickers, btw. She said, "Well, that's not fair!" To which I replied, "Well, at least you got SOMETHING right!" Anyway, it was pretty neat when we found out because I had told the doc about the bonus point experiment. The way he told us was, "Well, Michael, it looks like you're going to be giving out a lot of extra credit...." It took a second to sink in, and then he confirmed with a smile, "you're having a boy." Pretty cool.
In district golf news....
One round of district 2-3A is in the books and all I can say is the view is good from the top! The boys opened up on the beautiful, majestic, awesome (can you tell this sarcastic yet?), amazing track...not to be mistaken for Augusta National...Sweetwater Country Club. They shot a respectable 299 (72, 73, 73, 81, 84) and hold a 14 shot lead over Snyder and 22 over Graham JV. Yep, our JV boys stepped up (okay they careered it..321..) but they are definitely scaring some people. We'll look to pad the lead Monday as we play round 2 in Graham.
The girls are sitting in 2nd place, but only by three shots. They will have to play well to get out of this district, but it is very doable (The top two teams go to the regional tournament in Lubbock). We go from round 1 at Breckenridge Country Club to Fairway Oaks in Abilene for the next round. That's basically like going from a bologna sandwich to a medium-rare 12 ounce ribeye at Ruth's Chris. Here's to hoping that the appetite for steaks, birdies, and pars is quite large come Tuesday. Wish us luck.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
It's a Boy!
The long wait is over! We're having a boy! So, blogging is about sharing your feelings with friends and family and being honest, right? Well, a couple of weeks ago I had a dream that we were having the sonogram done and the Dr. announced, "It's a boy!" I immediately started bawling and asked him to double-check. When I shared my dream with Michael he asked, "So, you don't want a boy?" It wasn't that at all. It's just that I am a girl's girl. You know me...I love pink and frills and all-things girly. I'm just nervous that I won't be a good boy-mom. But you know what? As we were having the sonogram done yesterday afternoon, I heard the Dr. tell us that we were indeed having a boy and I did cry...but not for the reason in my dream. My heart was so filled with gratitude that our Father would entrust me to be a mom to this baby boy. I know that I will have to trust the Lord in a new way to learn how to be a mom after His heart. Needless to say, Michael is thrilled!
So, now to the next question...No, we haven't decided on a name. We have one strong contender, but are waiting a while to make sure it's the one.
So, now to the next question...No, we haven't decided on a name. We have one strong contender, but are waiting a while to make sure it's the one.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Let's Talk About Sex, Baby (I'm sorry...this is the title Michael insisted on)
So we're 19 weeks prego and finding out next week what the sex of Baby Todd is. We are SO excited! You have until March 12th at 5pm to cast your vote and let it be known what you think we're having. Michael thinks it's a girl and I think it's a boy, so I guess we're covered either way. :) It's pretty crazy...we're about to transition from labeling our baby "it" to giving it a name. Well, we're still debating names. We really don't have a preference, but feel so grateful that the Lord is knitting this baby together in my stomach. It's truly amazing!
And I think I'm at that point where my pre-pregnancy jeans are just going to have to be put away for a while. I can still button them, but they're definitely getting snug each time I put them on. Sounds like I need a little shopping trip for some maternity wear!

Well, it's that time again...time to move! Our landlords were kind enough to let us move from our duplex into a more spacious house. We'll still be renting from them, but now have more room for our expanding family. We are so blessed! Although moving is not my favorite thing to do, I am a bit limited this go round. I have been busy organizing and packing boxes, but won't be able to lift anything. Sad, huh. ;) Guess I'll have to leave that to the men. I'll post pix once we get unpacked.
Until then, don't forget to vote!
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