Friday, March 13, 2009

It's a Boy!

The long wait is over! We're having a boy! So, blogging is about sharing your feelings with friends and family and being honest, right? Well, a couple of weeks ago I had a dream that we were having the sonogram done and the Dr. announced, "It's a boy!" I immediately started bawling and asked him to double-check. When I shared my dream with Michael he asked, "So, you don't want a boy?" It wasn't that at all. It's just that I am a girl's girl. You know me...I love pink and frills and all-things girly. I'm just nervous that I won't be a good boy-mom. But you know what? As we were having the sonogram done yesterday afternoon, I heard the Dr. tell us that we were indeed having a boy and I did cry...but not for the reason in my dream. My heart was so filled with gratitude that our Father would entrust me to be a mom to this baby boy. I know that I will have to trust the Lord in a new way to learn how to be a mom after His heart. Needless to say, Michael is thrilled!

So, now to the next question...No, we haven't decided on a name. We have one strong contender, but are waiting a while to make sure it's the one.


Grace Family said...

Congrats! Boys are so much fun and we are thrilled to be having another. Our little guys will be buddies too, only being born about a month apart! Plus, if you end up with a girl later, she will be very blessed to have a big brother!

Grace Family said...

Have you guys picked a name yet?