So we're 19 weeks prego and finding out next week what the sex of Baby Todd is. We are SO excited! You have until March 12th at 5pm to cast your vote and let it be known what you think we're having. Michael thinks it's a girl and I think it's a boy, so I guess we're covered either way. :) It's pretty crazy...we're about to transition from labeling our baby "it" to giving it a name. Well, we're still debating names. We really don't have a preference, but feel so grateful that the Lord is knitting this baby together in my stomach. It's truly amazing!
And I think I'm at that point where my pre-pregnancy jeans are just going to have to be put away for a while. I can still button them, but they're definitely getting snug each time I put them on. Sounds like I need a little shopping trip for some maternity wear!

Well, it's that time again...time to move! Our landlords were kind enough to let us move from our duplex into a more spacious house. We'll still be renting from them, but now have more room for our expanding family. We are so blessed! Although moving is not my favorite thing to do, I am a bit limited this go round. I have been busy organizing and packing boxes, but won't be able to lift anything. Sad, huh. ;) Guess I'll have to leave that to the men. I'll post pix once we get unpacked.
Until then, don't forget to vote!
Good grief it's been a long time since your last update!
I vote for boy. Don't doubt me. I'm always right. You will also name the child LaMichael Tyrell Todd.
I am against my husband here because I voted girl... just want that out there so everyone knows that if he does end up wrong, then that also means I was right! :-)
Man, looks like I have to come in and break up the All-Grace party here.
In the immortal words of The Ticket's own Mike Ryhner, "you can train a monkey to raise a boy". Val, you're getting a boy and your very own helper monkey!
As for names, Mike and I have already discussed this and come to the conclusion that anything requiring punctuation from the second iphone keyboard screen has to be a winner. Possible suggestions include A|vin, &thony, ^lex among others.
Girl Definitely Girl... But if its a boy River might have to have an arranged marriage... Sorry Rivs..
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