Lucas has experienced some more "firsts" over the past week. Some good and some not so much. First the bad. On wednesday Lucas received his 4 month shots. Let's just say that lots of soreness and crying ensued. But I am happy to report that we are all doing much better this morning. Last night he experienced rice cereal for the first time. It was a success in that he really liked it, but he couldn't quite figure out how to eat it. There was a lot of lapping and licking going on. And today I (Dad) am happy to report that Lucas is getting ready for his first Big 12 Championship game. And wouldn't you know the Horns are playing! This is a good start if you ask me. And don't think I'm just brainwashing the boy. He's currently glued to College Gameday on ESPN in anticipation of the big one tonight. "If stinkin Mom would just leave me be! You can clip my nails later, woman!"

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