Monday, December 29, 2008

10 Weeks!

Well, first of all, let us apologize for keeping our fans at bay the last few weeks. My excuse (Mike) is that finals were very busy and then I was enjoying the break so much that the blog kept slipping my mind. We had some great ideas for blog entries too. There was the attempt to go to a Dallas Mavericks game only to turn around in Bridgeport because of icy road conditions (baby Todd's safety comes first :) ) During that same trip we had the most unbelievable Subway experience. We've brought back a new catch phrase around the house: "Boo-Yaa!" It usually rears its head whenever someone's football team wins in college bowl mania. That leads to another story. Val is dominating our college bowl pool. Her team name? "Val and Nut's Hot Picks." The nut referring to our little one who at 9 weeks was, according to the doctor, "the size of a nut." Which brings us to our latest dilemma. Val is officially ten weeks today. At what point do we refrain from referring to baby todd as nut? I mean, if it's bigger than a nut we can't keep calling it that. Sister suggested "fetus", but that just sounds awkward. What is a little bigger than a nut? A frito? A McDonald's pickle? A pen cap? None of these seems to work either. We'll keep you posted.

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